25, Nov 2020
Blu Ocean Digital Internet Marketing News Website Development

How to Grow Your Business during Post Covid-19 Era

Has Covid-19 affected your business? Find some ideas on how to get back to normal, by growing your online presence.

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Published On: 25, Nov, 2020

Covid-19 has changed the way we do business. It has made companies reduce business travel and meetings, create work from home arrangements for their employees and change the way business was done. As clients in the US and Europe went into cost cutting measures, Indian companies had to adjust to the new normal. The point now is, how can the companies really shift their gears and get the momentum they are looking for?

Create an attractive Web Design

An attractive web design is the first thing in rebuilding your business. 38% of consumers won’t be surfing through your website if they find the design unattractive. Hire an experienced web designer who can help your business. Look what your competitors are doing. Think of the sector you are operating in and instruct your designers accordingly. For instance, if you are  in the event management sector, your first page should highlight the most glamorous events you have organised, your CEO with some celebrities; in short it should keep the customer glued to their screens. These are areas where you need guys with an out-of-the-box thinking and before hiring a web designer make sure to check his previous works.

Upgrade your Technology

Use the latest technology for bringing your business back on track. Automation, big data and AI are helping companies increase their profit margins and revenues. With lesser manpower, more accuracy and innovation, tech firms are looking to focus on advanced tech to reach out to their customers. Find out the latest technologies and implement it wherever possible because the more you upgrade your system, you can scale better with less investment.

Optimize for Mobile

As more than 72% of consumers are buying through mobile, hence make sure your website is optimized for mobile users. Minimize those flash videos which starts playing automatically; make the navigation process simpler. Once a potential user opens the website, he should be able to see the options, pricing, discounts and all other important features that people generally look for. Reduce the complexities of the website and don’t ask for too much information as it is a big turn off for consumers.

Customer Support

Try to build adequate customer support for your business. As the competition grows after sales service and resolving of customer problems will be an important parameter. Most companies today suffer from lack of customer support systems, which does not solve customer problems and this creates a negative impression. Also, when you have technical issues, you should be able to find the tech support team, within minutes.

SEO Expertise

Selecting the right keywords is an extremely important thing. You must have a clear idea on the kind of keywords your business website wants to rank for on the reputed search engines. Write blogs that are human in nature and can give new perspectives on multiple issues. Everything about the content should not be business specific, do write on social issues so that people can at least read the content at once. Companies who are doing it successfully, are staying ahead in the race.

Focus on Social Media

Digital marketing has been driving business over the last few years. As Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and Instagram all came out with their new business offerings, the small industries as well as the larger ones immensely benefited from this. It is not just about giving ads but social media has helped companies reach out to people faster. Running effective Facebook  ad campaigns, paid campaigns on YouTube, Instagram influencers are all part of this process that is changing start-ups to unicorns in just a few years. Digital marketing agencies, focus on content marketing, social media campaigns and brand management helping entrepreneurs push their product into the market with a better sale value

Write informative Content

Put information on your website that is worth reading. For instance, if you go to an antivirus website you will find that they are always putting up blogs and small information on the latest malware attacks, ransomware trends and other new kinds of attacks that are affecting computer users. This provides new insights for even general users and a positive impression is created that these companies are warning people of virus attacks even before they take place. You need to follow that. Write stories that give a new perspective and ideas for the common people and that can bring in business. Let people know that you understand the problems of a common man and are thinking of launching products that can address those issues.

Rising again after the Storm

As per reports, more than 97000, business houses had to permanently shut shop in the US, during the Covid period. This in itself indicates what the other countries have actually gone through. Even in the 2008 meltdown, the impact was not at this scale. As most countries are now coming out of this, the challenge remains on how are businesses really going to come out of this damage and look for profits. Experienced players are the ones who can provide you the roadmap to turn around again. As discussed earlier, online business promotions are the ways to grow faster and beat the competition. If we look at some sectors that are setting an example, education has to be at the top of the list. From being one of the worst affected sectors after closure of academic institutions, to becoming one of the fastest growing online services, this is a miracle that we must try to understand. It happened because the schools, tutors, students and parents; basically all the stakeholders accepted the new normal and went ahead with their online learning sessions, even though many faced tremendous problems owing to internet issues. That is how business models across the world are changing their strategy and coming out with better results.

Final Words

Turning around in the post Covid-19 scenario requires a lot of effort. Connecting with new clients, upgrading your infrastructure, redefining your business goals and strategy; the process is going to be long and quite tedious. Companies which are thriving today are focusing heavily on the digital marketing segment along with developing feature rich apps and websites. Experienced tech players and consultants are the ones who can help you in the transformational journey. In case, you need some expert help, you might consult BluWebMedia for a comprehensive audit and new age strategizing of your business. Start formulating a new way, because post Covid, the rules of the game are going to change.

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